weRow.com - Connecting Rowers | Rudern in Europa
weRow.com Guide > Bille [Tiefstackkanal]
Description: Last update: 04.01.2012
Der Tiefstackkanal stellt eine Verbindung zwischen der Bille und der Norderelbe her, die die ganze Woche über befahrbar ist.
Region: Germany Water type: Channel Current: None
Sponsor of this water is: wikingerhamburg
  Water description
From Transfer from Bille [Untere Bille]
to Transfer to Elbe [Billwerder Bucht]

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Mark Km Description
Transfer from: Bille [Untere Bille]

Bille [Untere Bille] | Submitted by wikingerhamburg
Bridge: Liebigbrücke

| Submitted by wikingerhamburg
(LHS) Anabranch: Billbrookkanal
2 km Länge. Sackgasse
| Submitted by wikingerhamburg
(RHS) Split: Bille [Billekanal]

Bille [Billekanal] | Submitted by wikingerhamburg
Bridge: Borsigbrücke

| Submitted by wikingerhamburg
Train bridge: 2. Tiefstacker Eisenbahnbrücke
| Submitted by wikingerhamburg
Train bridge: 1. Tiefstacker Eisenbahnbrücke
Hauptbahn Hamburg-Berlin
| Submitted by wikingerhamburg
Bridge: Tiefstacker Brücke

| Submitted by wikingerhamburg
Lock: Tiefstackschleuse
Betriebszeiten sommers bis 21 Uhr, winters bis 18 Uhr.
| Submitted by wikingerhamburg
(LHS) Rowing club: Hammerdeicher RV

Hammer Deich 132 20537 Hamburg
Mattress biwak available Accommodation nearby
Transfer to: Elbe [Billwerder Bucht]

Elbe [Billwerder Bucht] | Submitted by wikingerhamburg

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