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weRow.com - Connecting Rowers | Rudern in Europa
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Rowing in Europe

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weRow.com Crewmanager
Crew age class: Crew members with info text 'STM' or 'COX' will not be considered in calculation.

Schweinfurter Ruder-Club "Franken" von 1882 e.V. > Crew-Class Montag Ute
Crew admin: EgidSchlessing

Ergorudern mit Anspruch ! Wer hier teilnimmt will den Winter nutzen um in Form zu kommen. Ziel ist es Kondition aufzubauen und Rudertechnik zu verbessern. Wer sich für einen konkreten Termin als Teilnehmer einträgt muss verpflichtend auch erscheinen !!! Falls nicht möglich, unbedingt abmelden, andere möchten auch gerne teilnehmen..........

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No slots have been defined yet.
Min. 0 / Max. 15

Some hints about using the weRow.com Crew Manager
  • Once you are member of a crew, you can accept or decline single time slots.
  • Ingegrate this crew into your personal - e.g. smartphone - calendar: Right-click iCal icon, copy link, add to your favorite calendar.
  • Crew age class: Crew members with info text 'STM' or 'COX' will not be considered in calculation.
  • Once you accept a time slot, the crew administrator will receive an email notification.
  • Once you decline a time slot and the target number of participants is no longer reached, participants of the same time slot will receive an email notification.
  • Shortcut to this page: http://www.weRow.com/crew/200.
  • Once you accept a time slot and the target number of participants gets reached, participants of that time slot will receive an email notification.

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