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Rowing Scholarships at German Universities

MikeRow, 17. Jan. 2003, 17:39h (Leistungssport)

My son is choosing which university to go to (in October 2004) and is interested to know whether there are any German universities that offer scholarships to outstanding rowers from overseas.

He is currently ranked in the top five juniors in the UK, and is still only 16 years old. He won a gold medal at the Coupe de la Jeunesse last year in Portugal, and will hopefully be competing in Athens 2003 and Banyoles in 2004. He believes that some of the best scullers come out of Germany, and would like to experience the German approach to coaching.

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Thank you

MikeRow (06. Feb. 2003, 17:52h)

Thank you for your comments - It seems that the only country actively recruiting athletes from overseas for scholarships is the US - and that is mainly girls due to Title IX. Does anyone know a similar site in Italy where I might ask the same question?

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RE:Additional message

Anonymer Verfasser (18. Jan. 2003, 19:38h)

As far as I know your son is too young to study in Germany and has to go to a public or private school, unless he has a graduation diploma.

I do not think that there are sport-scholarships for pupils and students in Germany.

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RE:Additional message

HKL (17. Jan. 2003, 19:58h)

I've never seen scholarships offered to exceptional rowers in GER, but I have to admit I've never watched out for them. A quick look at some links gave a similar results:
You may expect some rowing facilities supported by the universities, and some also offer to coordinate training & education, but none of the universities shows public interest in rowers.

But there's a residential school in Ratzeburg for pupils up to about 18 yrs. So not a university. But probably worth to ask there. Follow the link to www.ruderakademie.de and try to get some hints there.

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Additional message

MikeRow (17. Jan. 2003, 18:28h)

If you have information about rowing universities in Germay I would be very greatful

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