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Rudern in Europa


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HEAD OF THE RIVER RACE 2004 - abgesagt wegen Sturm

Anonymous, 20. Mär. 2004, 19:52h (Leistungssport)

The 2004 Race has had to be cancelled. The extreme wind and water conditions in the middle of the course and in the marshalling area meant that the Race could not be run safely. This view was fully supported by the PLA and the safety services. The Committee has decided that crews can either receive a full refund, or a free entry to the next year's event.

mehr hier:

Start times are necessarily provisional and will be confirmed in due course

2005 March 19 early

2006 March 25 noon


Due to limitations of space and considerations of safety, the entry is limited to 420, of whom about 65 are foreign crews
The HoRR Committee strongly recommends that all competing clubs show their crew coxes the video "Coxing a Tideway Head" at least once before the race. For availability, see the Secretary's page - click the link below.
Results will not initially be posted on this website, but will be forwarded by e-mail or video link as soon as they become available to Clubs hosting competing crews who request this service. The Official Results will be published on this website approximately 3 hours after the last crew has finished.
Initial Results will be Provisional, but will be replaced by the Final version as soon as checking has been completed.

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