weRow.com - Connecting Rowers | Rudern in Europa
weRow.com Guide > Telemark Kanal [Skien-Langesund]
Description: Last update: 24.04.2009
Kartblad 1: Skienelva. Südlich von km 11,1: Norges Sjøkortverk. Von Porsgrunn bis zur Küste: DEN NORSKE KYST Svenner-Porsgrunn-Jomfruland, M 1:50000.
Region: Norway Water type: River Current: Low, Chainage ascending
Sponsor of this water is: cod-werow
  Water description
From Transfer from Telemark Kanal [Norsjø-Skien Kanalen]
to Sight Langøytangen fyr

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Mark Km Description
Transfer from: Telemark Kanal [Norsjø-Skien Kanalen]

Telemark Kanal [Norsjø-Skien Kanalen] | Submitted by cod-werow
Bridge: Porsgrunn Brugata

| Submitted by cod-werow
(RHS) Sight: Porsgrunds Porselænsfabrikk

| Submitted by cod-werow
Bridge: Porsgrunn Kulltanvegen

| Submitted by cod-werow
(LHS) Other: Zufahrt zum Gunnekleinfjorden
1000m bis zum Porsgrunn Roklub auf STB (Nordufer). Am Südufer Tunnel zum Frierfjorden (L=500m, B=3,3m, H=2,5m)
| Submitted by cod-werow
(LHS) Rowing club: Porsgrunn Roklub
Am Gunnekleinfjorden mit Aussicht auf die Norsk Hydro Porsgrunn Fabrikker
Kirstinstien 16 3936 Porsgrunn
(RHS) Sight: Torsberg Lykt
Übergang zum Frierfjorden
| Submitted by cod-werow
11.1 - 20
Lake: Frierfjorden

| Submitted by cod-werow
Other: Tunnel und Kanal zum Gunnekleinfjorden
und weiter zum Porsgrunn Roklub
| Submitted by cod-werow
Bridge: Autobahnbrücke ! 18

| Submitted by cod-werow
(LHS) Harbour: Brevik

| Submitted by cod-werow
Bridge: Brevik - Bamble

| Submitted by cod-werow
Lake: Brevik Fjorden

| Submitted by cod-werow
(RHS) City: Stathelle

| Submitted by cod-werow
(LHS) Other: Abzweig: Eidangerfjorden
Richtung Nord: Länge etwa 7km
| Submitted by cod-werow
(LHS) Other: zerklüftetes Westufer mit Hütte

| Submitted by cod-werow
(LHS) Other: Oselvaren boat - the joy of rowing
Still strong rowing even with 200 years of unchanged design
| Submitted by cod-werow
26 - 28.5
Lake: Langesund
Links Insel Langøya, rechts Ortslage Langesund
| Submitted by cod-werow
(RHS) Harbour: Langesund

| Submitted by cod-werow
(RHS) City: Langesund

| Submitted by cod-werow
(LHS) Sight: Langøytangen fyr
Übergang zur Langesundbukta (Nordsee)
| Submitted by cod-werow

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